I Only Wished to Be Pretty
From age 3 to teen, I only wished to be pretty
No dolls, no ice cream, no fluffy white kitties
Not friendship, straight A’s, nor sleep-over fun
Beauty was real magic, the only game girls won.
Cindy, Belle, and those loved by the Charming
Happy endings for girls with smiles, disarming.
Cleopatra, Diana, Barbie, Movie Stars
Pretty has power to help girls go far!
Year after year when they’d turn off the lights
“Happy Birthday to you!” my eyes closed tight
A gorgeous future me, I imagined in my mind.
Repeating my wish, “Please make me so fine.”
I’d picture a model with curls tan skin like mine.
Ballerina like grace, turning heads as if divine.
Handfuls of cotton seeds blown with real hope
Summer snowflakes carry my fated horoscope
“Universe, make me the most fetching sight.”
Pretty meant freedom, comfort, joy, and light.
Now all grown-up, my kid dreams I outgrew.
Rather dreams are voided, for they came true.
Granted the gift of allure and enchantment,
Attracting circles of men lusting harassment.
Pursued as an object a thing to own,
Seems pretty blocks love, beautifully alone
Wait don’t play the tiny saddest violin just yet
My pretty is power and privilege I do not forget
This face and body is a meal ticket, a meeting,
Like liquor store roses, so shallow and fleeting
Still I say make that big wish on that star
Dreams do come true, though they leave a scar
Road trips wouldn’t be fun without that old car
All magic has madness, worth the risk by far